Is Cockroach Spray Harmful to Cats

Cockroaches are extremely harmful to all mammals. They are coated in dangerous bacteria and track in viruses from the sewer including staph infections because they live in the sewers. They swim through human waste and bring that material into your home. While it’s not likely you will accidentally eat a cockroach and get sick you can accidentally eat its saliva, feces and its urine all of which are extremely toxic. They will crawl on food and as they eat they will deficit and urinate on it and also leave saliva as they eat it. 

Cockroach dangers 

They also go through thousands of moulting phases where they lose entire layers of their carapace. This carapace is covered in dangerous bacteria that track into your home and is light enough that it can float in the air. This moult can be inhaled and can cause severe respiratory infections and worsen already existing respiratory issues. 

Cockroach health effects 

Cockroaches are a physical danger to your health and must be treated as soon as you recognize an infestation. One cockroach is more than enough to be an infestation as it was likely a female coming into your home to lay eggs. From there the population can grow rapidly and depending on the species can overwhelm your home in as little as a few months. The German cockroach is especially good at this as unlike most cockroaches who can have anywhere from five to ten eggs in a single ootheca, a cockroach egg sack, the German cockroach can have up to sixty. 

Is Cockroach Spray Harmful to Cats
Domestic cockroach treatments are very safe for everyone including pets but are not effective. Commercial-grade pesticides are only dangerous when they are first sprayed which is why a vacancy is required. while you may notice a nasty smell upon returning you are entirely safe and in no danger of illness from the pesticides.

Cockroach reproductions 

That is an astounding number and makes the German cockroach one of the worst infestations you can have. They are very common in apartment buildings where their ability to repopulate after being treated allows them total control. Killing them off requires a unified approach that creates the entire building at once or else they will remain and continue reproducing and spreading disease. 

Treatment of cockroaches 

If you have a cockroach infestation in your home you will need to treat it right away. You can try using a domestic treatment but they often fail as the treatment does not reach the full population of cockroaches, only the adults who go out to hunt for food. While domestic treatments are safer for your children and pets a commercial treatment can be just as safe. 

Ontario Pesticide Safety 

Commercial pesticides in Ontario, Canada are controlled by the ministry of the environment of Canada itself. They are regulated and designed in conjunction with the ministry to be safe not only for mammals but for the environment as well. Strict and careful use and application as well as storage rules must be followed under penalty of losing a license. The pesticides used have very low mammalian toxicity and are very safe for humans and animals. So your dog and be safe and healthy as long as they vacate the house along with you and your family while the treatment is done and the pesticides are allowed to dry for a total of five hours.