
How to Know Whether You Have Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are a nuisance pest that is often overlooked and hard to identify. A lot of people do not know what they are dealing with when they first encounter a bed bug infestation since the signs can be very difficult to spot. Even for professionals in the field, bed bug infestations are notoriously difficult to deal with and that is because of how the bed bug behaves. Bed bugs in terms of habitat are pests that love to stay hidden and strike when the right opportunity comes their way, literally.

If you think you have bed bugs, contact the professionals from Pest Control Oshawa. 

Bed bugs will stake out in several places throughout the home where people will sleep, relax, and rest. These places are usually limited to the bed and the couch. But the bed bug will not just stop there. Bed bugs are notorious for hiding in the strangest of places such as in the head of screws, corners of walls where the floor and wall meet, baseboards, curtain folds, underneath and inside of electrical outlets, and much more.

So, the question remains. How do you know whether you have a bed bug and how do you recognize bed bug signs?

People usually suspect that there is some sort of issue when they are directly affected by it. This means getting bitten or seeing bumps on their skin in some kind of way. Usually, when there are physical signs, people associate them with insects such as a mosquito or even a bee.

If the bed bug infestation arises in the summer this can even add more confusion, and this will lead to a misdiagnosis of the issue. Most people that deal with a bed bug issue will not discover that they are dealing with a bed bug issue not until after a couple of weeks or even months.

To start recognizing the signs it is very important to know what you are looking for in the first place. Bed bugs are characterized by an all-flat body, oval-shaped, brown in colour, and have 6 legs, 2 antennae, and a mouthpiece that looks like a pair of mandibles. Since these insects are hardly noticeable with the baked eye, they will look like an apple seed.

For bed bug signs

  • Closely inspect the seams of the mattress
  • Check mattress sides!
  • Check bed frames.
  • On the bedding, you might notice a brown to black streak. These are remnants of blood, body parts, shelling, all mixed up and crushed.
  • Spot red raised bumps in a cluster pattern on uncovered parts of the body during sleep. Areas include arms, face, legs, stomach, feet, and more.

To get rid of bed bugs, you will have to contact a licensed and insured professional from Pest Control Oshawa that has all the necessary equipment and commercial-grade pesticides and effective heat treatment. For more information our bed bug extermination services, contact a knowledgeable service representative by contacting us at xxxx-xxxx-xxxx