How to Get Rid of Mice in Restaurant

Mice dangers

Mice are a danger to human health. They carry dangerous parasites like fleas and ticks which can transfer blood born illnesses like Lyme disease and other serious viruses and bacteria. They also track dangerous bacteria and delicate food products. This can be a serious issue in a residential home but in a restaurant can be the end of food production. Restaurants need to be sterile and cannot risk the chance of food getting sullied with urine and feces and bacteria-coated mouse dander. The danger to the customer and the risk of a lawsuit is very real. With ninety percent of restaurants closing down in their first year, it’s a serious matter and needs to be treated. 

Mice lifecycle 

Mice are a serious infestation. They are dangerous and unappealing and scary to patrons but what’s worse is their ability to reproduce rapidly. An adult mouse can go from insemination to birth in weeks. Those babies become a functional adults in less than a month and can start reproducing in very little time. This can cause massive exponential growth in population that can overwhelm domestic treatments. Snap traps and domestic poison are not effective in any way against that maelstrom of rodent activity. For every mouse you catch in a snap trap, ten more have just been born. So if you want the mice controlled and minimized and eventually gone you will need a professional exterminator. 

How to Get Rid of Mice in Restaurant
Keeping food away from mice is an effective way of getting them to eat the rodenticide bait but for restaurants, the food cannot be stored in this way.

Food in a restaurant 

One of the biggest issues with treating mice in a restaurant is that there is food everywhere and a huge amount of it. While residential homes can control their food access using containers that do not allow mice to eat the food freely a restaurant goes through food far too quickly to do that. The fridge in a restaurant is a walk-in fridge that can be left open and is accessible by rodents. There is no way to protect the food which makes rodenticide bait essentially useless. For this reason, capture-and-kill devices like tin cats must be implemented to deal with the infestation. Exterior bait stations work well, especially for rats but on the interior, there are few other choices. The treatment must essentially go on forever which is why pest control companies deal with commercial businesses using monthly treatments instead of single treatments with warranties. It is more effective to constantly monitor and control the issue than to try to get rid of it all at once. 

Commercial business 

One of the main issues with commercial businesses especially restaurants is doors constantly opening and closing. Not just the front door with customers going in and out all day long but the back door as garbage is taken out and staff taking breaks or phone calls they don’t want patrons to hear. The back door, even more so than the front can allow rodents to enter and with some restaurants just leaving the door open for hours it’s no wonder the rodents are getting in. While many restaurants have to worry about rats on the exterior rodents like mice getting into the restaurant can shut the restaurant down.