Mice have been infesting our homes for tens of thousands of years. From the very moment we settled down from the life of hunting and gathering and started building homes that were meant to be permanent was the moment nature turned its head and noticed us. We were no longer animals, we were masters of our own domain, a brave new world where we chose what to grow and to eat. Mice and other rodents noticed this along with other animals and they started to take advantage of our food hoarding and our warm fires. Wolves, rats and mice started accessing our food supplies. This turned wolves into dogs and mice into European house mice who now, thirty thousand years later, rely on our homes entirely for survival.
Mice reproduction
The problem with mice and why you can’t treat mice with traps is a long-standing issue. The population growth of mice is astonishing and exponential. They can reproduce up to fifteen times a year and can mate immediately after giving birth. They have up to ten babies in a single litter and in less than a month those mice are sexually active. This means mice can reproduce faster than you can kill them with snap traps, glue traps and capture traps. There are just too many to kill and more keep coming every day.
Mice dangers
Mice are also extremely dangerous and can make you and your family very sick. Mice feces contained many dangerous viruses and types of bacteria which includes a severe respiratory virus called Hantavirus which can be gotten from trying to clean mouse feces without the proper equipment. Mice are also coated in their own feces and shed fur into dander which can float around the house like motes of dust. These can be inhaled causing serious and long-term issues. Living with mice for too long can actually kill you. So the time to deal with it is as soon as you see a mouse, its signs like chewed up food or its feces. Do not wait as they are a severe danger to human health.
Mice treatment Domestic
There are many things you can do to keep mice away and to stop them from getting into your home. Sealing food off and using vinegar and essential oils to leave smells that upset them is a good way to prevent them from living in your home. Inspecting the outside of the house for possible entryways like foundation gaps and accessible wall vents and sealing them op is a great way to stop them from getting in. You can make sure your grass is short and remove any weeds or shrubs from around your house. This will take away places they can use to hide while trying to make entryways.
Mice treatment commercial
If none of this is working and you have an infestation in your home you will need to all a professional company because domestic traps and poisons are not effective in getting rid of an actual infestation. A licensed technician will have the experience and the knowledge to find where the mice are getting into the house and sealing it professionally as well as where they are living and where they are active.