
How to Stop Mice From Getting Under Siding

Mice dangers

Mice are one of the most dangerous infestations you can have in your home. They carry with them bacteria and viruses like Hantavirus in their feces and staph. They carry parasites like fleas and ticks which can transfer blood borne illnesses like Lyme disease and even rabies. They will eat your food while dedicating and urinating on it while dedicating and urinating in their nests. Their fur is covered in feces and they shed dander all the time. This dander can float in the air and be inhaled causing serious respiratory illnesses. Getting rid of them is paramount. 

Mice reproduction 

Once a mouse finds its way into your home, which can be as easy as a back door left open, it will start reproducing. Most often the mouse that just entered your home will be an already pregnant female ready to give birth. She is looking for a place to give birth where her babies will be safe. While the babies are immobile at birth it only takes a few weeks for them to reach sexual maturity. The babies can mate with each other with few genetic disturbances and populate your home rapidly. A mouse can mate immediately after giving birth and can have ten babies at a time with up to fifteen births in a year. That’s one hundred and fifty new mice in only 12 months. This cannot be dealt with using snap traps. You need to go at the infestation using professional bait and most importantly – professional exclusion. 

How to Stop Mice From Getting Under Siding
Mice are a serious danger to humans and animals, they are a pestialnacp and carry dangerous diseases and parasites with them.

Mice entryways

What is exclusion? It’s the process of finding and sealing entryways mice and other rodents or even wildlife can use to get into your home. This can include, for mice, weep vents which are mortals spaces between bricks to allow the insulation in the walls to breathe, foundation gaps and accessible wall vents. They can also get behind the siding and enter your home through walls. Mice can also chew entry wants into these areas. The older the house is the easier it is for them to get inside. One of the biggest issues is having a lot of plants and shrubs around your house, tall grasses and unruly foliage gives rodent places to hide which allows them to spend more time finding or making entryways. 

Sealing Entryways

These entryways must be sealed off to prevent mice from getting inside. You can try inspection for them yourself but a professional has experience and will find them more easily. Calling a professional to both Treat the mice and do the exclusion is the best way to deal with mice in the long term. The population growth of mice is exponential so snap traps, glue traps and capture traps are inefficient and a waste of time. Commercial grade poison or rodenticides are the best and fastest option as mice can dine on it all at once. Call a professional exterminator that offers to quote for and seal off entryways. If not you will just have mice again next winter.