Garage Defense The Best Mouse Deterrents for Your Garage

Garage Defense: The Best Mouse Deterrents for Your Garage

When summer comes, mice can get into our sheds and make themselves at home. These small mice are very good at getting into our garages. They do this to find a place to live and possibly food. But if we take some preventative steps, we can stop mice from making our sheds their homes. In this piece, we’ll talk about the best ways to keep mice out of your garage so that it stays pest-free and safe during the summer.

Seal points of entry

The best way to keep mice out of your garage is to seal up any possible entry spots. Mice can fit through very small holes and cracks, so check the outside of the garage carefully and fix any holes with caulk or weatherstripping. Pay close attention to the areas near doors, windows, and places where utilities come in.

Clean up the garage

Mice are drawn to food, so it’s important to keep your garage clean and free of food scraps. Don’t leave pet food or bird seed out in the open, and keep all food in containers that are safe and airtight. To reduce attractants, sweep the floor often and clean up any food or crumbs that fall.

Use Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil can keep mice away because it has a strong smell that mice don’t like. Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and carefully place them around the garage, especially near places where people could get in. This will help keep mice away and give your garage a pleasant smell.

Install ultrasonic equipment

Ultrasonic devices send out high-frequency sound waves that are annoying to mice but can’t be heard by people or most other animals. You can put these things in the garage to make it an unwelcoming place for mice, which will make them leave the area.

Put up lights that turn on when someone moves.

Mice like dark, quiet places, so putting up motion-activated lights in your shed can be a good way to keep them away. The sudden light will scare the mice and make them less likely to come into the area.

Use real traps.

Traditional mouse traps are cruel, but live traps are kind. With these traps, you can catch mice living and let them go outside, far from your garage. Place the traps in places where there are a lot of mice, but remember to check on them often and let any mice go as soon as possible.

Use mothballs.

Mothballs have a strong smell that makes mice not want to be near them. Place mothballs around the garage in a smart way, but make sure kids and pets can’t get to them because they can be dangerous if eaten.

Think about Pets that Hunt

If you want a pet and don’t mind mice, you could get a cat or a small dog. Mice are their natural prey. Mice might not want to come into your garage if these animals are there.

Use plastic containers to put things away.

Mice can make nests out of cardboard and other things that they can chew through. Put your things in sturdy plastic cases with tight-fitting lids to protect them and keep mice away.


To keep mice out of your garage during the summer, you need to be strategic and use tools that work. Some of the best ways to keep mice away are to seal off entry spots, keep things clean, use peppermint oil, ultrasonic devices, and motion-activated lights. You can also keep these pests out of your garage with live traps, mothballs, and even dogs that eat other animals. By taking these preventive steps, you can keep your garage free of mice and well-protected all summer long. This will keep your things safe from pests and give you a sense of security in your home.

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