Getting Rid of Rat Holes in Your Yard

Getting Rid of Rat Holes in Your Yard

When you find rat holes in your yard, it can be scary because these holes not only ruin the look of your outdoor space, but they also could mean that there are rats living there. Fixing rat holes right away is important to stop more damage and reduce the chance of a full-blown outbreak. This guide will show you how to get rid of rat holes in your yard and take back control of your outdoor space.

1.Find the Rat Holes:

Before doing anything, it’s important to know what rat holes look like. Most rat holes are 2 to 4 inches across and have a mound of loose dirt or soil around the opening. You can find these holes in different parts of your yard, like near structures, fences, and plants.

2.Get rid of attractions:

Rats like places that have food, drink, and a place to live. To keep rats from digging holes in your yard, get rid of things that might interest them. Lock up trash cans, pick up dropped fruit, and clean up things that rats could use as hiding places.

3.How to landscape right:

Keeping your yard in good shape can help keep rats away. Rats hide in overgrown plants, so cut them back, especially if they are near your home’s base. Keep the grass short and get rid of weeds to reduce the number of places birds could nest.

4.Close the doors:

Seal any holes that rats could use to get into your yard to keep them out. Look for gaps, cracks, or holes in your fence, walls, and the outside of your house. Use things like steel wool or wire mesh to plug up holes and make it harder for rats to get in.

5.Use natural things to stop them:

Rats tend to avoid certain smells and plants. For example, peppermint oil has a strong smell that rats don’t like. Planting peppermint or other plants that scare rats away around the edge of your yard can stop rats from digging holes there.


If you think there are rats already, rat traps can help get rid of them. Set up snap traps or electronic traps close to rat holes and make sure they are safe. Traps should be checked often and reset.

7.Fishing Spots:

As a last option, you could use bait stations with rodenticides. Put these stations near rat holes, but keep them out of reach of kids and animals. Follow the directions on the package and be careful when using rodenticides.

8.Pest control by a professional:

If you keep finding rat holes or think there might be a bigger problem, it’s best to talk to pest control experts. They have the skills, tools, and information to figure out how bad the problem is and take the right steps to get rid of rats in your yard.

9.Upkeep of the yard:

Rats can be stopped by keeping your yard in good shape. Keep your yard clean and free of things that could be used to make a nest. Fix any problems that could bring rats, like water leaks or food that isn’t safe to eat.

10.Watch out for and stop:

After you’ve tried these things, keep an eye on your yard for new rat holes or other signs that rats are there. Rat numbers can grow quickly, so staying alert is the best way to keep them from coming back.

In conclusion, dealing with rat holes in your yard takes a proactive approach that includes proper landscaping, getting rid of things that attract rats, sealing places where rats can get in, and possibly using traps or other things that scare rats away. If you don’t know how bad the problem is or if your own efforts don’t work, it’s best to call in a professional pest control service. If you act quickly, you can get rid of rat holes and make sure you and your family can enjoy the outdoors without worrying about rats.

Rat Control Oshawa, our technicians have the knowledge as well as years of experience in handling rat problems. Whether it is an infestation or an intrusion, our licensed and fully insured teams of technicians handle the problem swiftly and discreetly.