The center for disease control and prevention has reported that insect-transmitted diseases have tripled in the past 12 years. Ticks, mosquitoes, and fleas are the main contenders and they are spreading diseases at an ever-accelerating rate.
If you want to get rid of the bugs in your home, contact professional pest control services to solve your bug problem!
What could be causing this increase in insect-born diseases?
Well, international travel is a start. The past 20 years have seen a huge growth in travel, especially for business. New diseases are brought back and incubated in the insect population, this results in a new disease showing up in the human population. It is also very common for these insects to draw blood from infected animals and then infect a human by drawing blood from them.
The west Nile virus was a huge pandemic in Africa and surrounding regions and is a devastating illness that many people die from and most known fully recovers from. These days it is possible for you, in any part of the world, to be killed by a mosquito bite.
What’s worse is mosquito repellents are known to be highly faulty and often fail to chase off any insects at all. Without a working and effective defense, we could be in for a whole lot more pandemics from these insects. They may not kill you but you will get very sick.
What’s more, is the issue with deer ticks and their steady ride south due to warming temperatures? They have caused there to be increased incidents of Lyme disease and have started spreading with the help of global warming. It is especially bad as water levels rise and mosquitoes are given even more breeding grounds to grow their dangerous population and spread. Flooding seasons around the world are getting worse and that makes mosquito issues even more serious for everyone.
The only way to protect yourself is to stay indoors or walk around with a full-covering umbrella mosquito net. Neither is fun, but we need to start thinking about global health and the role insects play in it.