Can Mice Get Inside a Refrigerator?

Mice dangers

Mice are a serious threat to human health in many ways. One of the greatest dangers is how they eat your food. They do not just eat it, they defecate and urinate on it while they eat. This can cause serious bowel disorders and can even cause diarrhea and vomiting. It’s so sever that you could end u in a hospital getting your stomach pumped. This is why it is so important to keep your food away from them. Sealing your food in tight-fitting containers made of glass or metal or hard plastic can protect it. The less food they can access the better. Never leave food out always through left away or store them in containers. This is the first and most important step in dealing with mice. 

Mice accessing the kitchen 

Storing things in the fridge is a great way to keep them away from rodents. Mice cannot get into a fridge but they can damage it, chewing on wires and damaging the electronics is not just going to cost you a lot of money in repairs but can also be a fire hazard. They can chew on wires in the walls, and the attic and damage expensive appliances like the dishwasher. While it’s not likely that they could get inside the device they can certainly harm it. They can start a fire in a wall or even in the attic which are places that firefighters have a lot of trouble spraying. This means mice can destroy your home in one bite. Getting rid of them is paramount. 

Can Mice Get Inside a Refrigerator?
Mice are a serious infestation and while they cannot get into a fridge thay can certainly damage it. This can cost you a lot of money in repairs.

Mice domestic treatment 

Treating a mouse infestation domestically is very difficult if not impossible. Using snap traps is ineffective because the population of mice can grow so quickly that killing one or two of them a day will not affect the general population. This is because mice can reproduce rapidly. They can reproduce over fifteen times a year and a mouse that has just given birth can immediately become pregnant again. It takes only a few weeks for them to go from insemination to birth and the mice need only a few weeks to become adults that can reproduce themselves. This creates a level of growth that is exponential. There is no way you can kill them with devices like snap traps. 

Commercial treatment 

A commercial treatment is the only real way to kill off a mouse infestation. The reason for this is that commercial treatments use bait. Domestic bait is not effective as the poison does not have a large enough amount of the active ingredient. That is not the case for commercial bait. This bait contains a large amount of the active ingredient and it’s different from the ingredients in domestic bait. It will cause the mice to feel sick and they will go back to their nests and die. Due to their low water content, you should not even notice it. Call a professional to deal with your mice and you will never see them again.