
Does Black Pepper Keep Mice Away

Mice dangers

Mice are a sever threat to the well being of your family. They carry with them parasites like flea and ticks that can be passed on to you and your pets and can also be passed on to you. Mice are also coated in bacteria and viruses that they track around your home causing sever dangers for young children who like to put things in their mouths. Fleas and ticks can pass blood born diseases on to your and your pets and can cause sever and even deadly illnesses so if you have a mouse infestation it is important to get rid of it as quickly as possible. 

Mice reproduction

One of the worst parts about mice is they reproduce rapidly. They take only three to four weeks to go from insemination to birth producing a litter of up to ten pups who can then grow to sexual maturity in less than three weeks. They can then mate and start the process over again causing exponential growth in the number of mice in your home. This can be difficult to treat with snap traps as you would need to lay down hundreds of them and you still would not be able to keep up with their birth rate. 

Does Black Pepper Keep Mice Away
Mice have very sensitive respiratory tracts that are as small as a human hair. Anything from hair and dust and dander to spices like black pepper will cause them pain when they breath it in an possibly kill them.

Mice feces and urine 

Mice, like all animals dedicate and urinate. Unlike most animals they do it where ever they are, this includes in their nests and on food as they eat it. Mouse feces can cause sever bowel issues when consumed accidentally and can cause repiratory infections when the dust is inhaled. While hantavirus is not a common anymore in wealthy countries like Canada it is still a sever danger to anyone trying to clean mouse feces. Never try to sweep it up, always vacuum it and if there is a lot call a company that specializes in its removal and sterilization. 

Mice deterrents  

Mice are not impervious to being deterred from entering a home. They have sensitive eyes and cannot tear so whatever gets in their eyes that burns will blind them. Their very small so their windpipes are only slightly larger than a human hair which just one hair accidentally inhaled can choke them to death. Pepper like black pepper and cayenne pepper can irritate their lungs and eyes and can work as a way to get them to leave an area but may not get them out of the house. Its best used when you have mice eating your vegetable garden. You can mix Cayenne pepper with water and spray on the vegetables. This will stop them from eating it. 

Mice treatments 

The best treatment is a commercial treatment to get rid of mice in your home. Professional exterminators can use bait called rodenticide that has a very high level of active ingredient unlike domestic baits which can attack the population all at once. The mice wil eat the bait and either leave the house to find water or return to their nests where they die. This is highly effective and once they are gone the same company can often do the cleanup and sterilization as well.