Wasps are a terrible threat but most people only notice them in the late summer when they become a pest. If you can find the nest in the spring, when it is just being built you can stop the nest in its tracks.
If you suspect wasp presence anywhere near or on your property, contact Wasp Control Oshawa for quick and safe removal.
A wasp nest takes about 2 to three months to be fully formed. This process goes from early spring to mid-summer. By late summer the wasps will stop adding to the nest and will start foraging for food they like, this generally leads them to human foods that are rich in processed sugar. They will gladly invade a picnic or bbq and sting anyone who tries to defend their ice cream or hamburger with sweet relish. Anything sugary will bring the wasps to your location and a swarm of wasps can put an end to any celebration.
The wasp nest takes a longer time to build but the creation of a nest only takes three weeks. This is also the period you have to easily destroy the nest by killing the queen at her weakest and most vulnerable.
The Queen wakes from hibernation on the first warm days of spring. She will be filled with eggs and ready to lay them, all she needs to do is find the right spot. Generally, she will have made a nest last year so she will try to return to that spot. If there is a nest there already she may decide to revitalize it. She will do that or make her small pocket like a nest and fill them with eggs. She will then spend the next three weeks hunting insects to feed her new sterile female workers. If she is discovered in these three weeks she will be alone with no workers to defend her. You can kill her and the nest in the night with one good spray of insecticide and scrape the nest off the next day. This is the best way to handle a wasp’s nest. However, most people aren’t so lucky to find a wasp nest in this state.
So the process goes like this: the queen builds a nest and lays her eggs, she needs to survive on her own and feed and care for the larva for three weeks, if she succeeds the larva will grow into wasp workers and can help build and defend the nest, making it much harder to exterminate.