Rats can leave a very distinctive smell that can spread throughout the entire house since they can leave droppings and urine around the house. Rats are creatures of habit and will make stay to stay away from human presence whenever possible and this is why they prefer to have nesting areas that are devoid of human activity. This is why they choose places such as the basement and the crawlspace to stay away.
If you notice an increase in rat presence on your property, you will need to hire professionals from Pest Control Oshawa.
But when the rat population becomes so big, the chances are there that you will see rats coming about to scout out a better habitat and this is how people will get rat smells in their properties. The best way to deal with rats, in general, is to call in the help of a professional who is licensed and insured to make sure that the rat presence is exterminated and made sure not to return anymore and this is done by sealing up entry points after they have been exterminated.
Get rid of The Debris and Other Products
Rats love places where there is a lot of clutter. This is because rats will use the trash as a way to shield themselves from predators and onlookers like humans. They stay snug in their self-built nests that are made up of paper shreds, Styrofoam, and other materials laying around the house or the garage. Where there are rats, there is urine and feces. Porous materials like wood can absorb urine and can leave a long-lasting smell. There is nothing that you can do other than throw it away.
Treat the affected areas with an enzyme-based product
There are a lot of products on the market that have an enzyme base. What it does is eats the bacteria that these bacteria produce. It can be used on a number of surfaces and is recommended to stay on there for a couple of hours. After a few hours have passed, you should smell a big difference. The best thing here is to check reviews on various products by different brands.
Hire an exterminator
The best option Is to hire a professional and licensed exterminator. Exterminators are equipped with commercial-grade equipment like foggers that disperse throughout the entire room. Chances are that consumer-grade products might not even be that strong. Professionals can also determine areas of high activity and can recommend solutions. Apart from that, they can execute these solutions for permanent mouse removal. Afterwards, technicians are able to seal the entry points they identified too permanently. If you would like to benefit from our services, do not hesitate to contact the professionals Mouse Control. Call xxx-xxx-xxx