How to Clean Mouse Droppings From Sofa

How to Stop Mice Eating Seedlings

Mice are known as opportunistic feeders and do not shy away from the chance to get a little snack or a full meal. For those who keep birds or have a birdhouse invite our flying friends. Mice have a very varied diet and will make sure that they are fed no matter the place and time. Mice can be creatures of habit and will return when they discover a reliable food source.

Mice are always out for food or water, and this needs to be stopped. Hire licensed and insured professionals from Pest Control Oshawa. 

For mice finding seeds on the floor is a very good source. Mice can be very damaging to the area in that they will also visit the area more than frequently to see if there is more food to be seen. If you have mice, the chance is also there for them to spread to other yards as well.

In extreme circumstances, mice can also find shelter in other human-made spaces that are present on your property. They can spread to your shed if you have one, hide between plants, and stay hidden in other places in your garden to find more food. Mice can also very well be attracted to pet food. So it is very important that you take care of any bird seed of any nature on the floor and spread it around your property.

Here are actions that you can take to make sure that mice stop eating seedlings

The most logical step is to take away seeds so that mice cannot reach them. Make sure to regularly sweep away the seeds and make sure that they are discarded immediately so as not to incite mice to come back at regular intervals.

Invest in a different pole. Most birdhouses are mainly made from wood. These woods can be very easily climbable for mice. It might be surprising to know, but mice are very good climbers and because of this they make sure that they can survive in several locations.

If you have the money, it may be better to invest in a better birdfeeder that is a bit more robust. It might happen one day, that mouse will chew the birdfeeder. Once that happens, mice will have free play.

If your birdfeeder is next to your home, you might need to consider moving it. If it is very near to the house, then it is better for the bird feeder to be as far as possible from the home. There is a very practical reason for this. The further away, the fewer chances there are those mice can get inside the house. If you have a mouse issue and want to get rid of them, hire licensed and insured exterminators. Call Pest Control Oshawa. Call 905-581-3789.