Rat Hole Size What Can Rats Fit Through

Rat Hole Size – What Can Rats Fit Through?

Rats are known for being able to change their habits and fit through very small spaces. To prevent rat infestations and keep your home safe, you need to know how big rat holes are and where these mice can get in. Let’s learn more about the different sizes of rat holes and how rats can get into even the smallest areas.

Rat Body Parts and Mobility:

Because of how they are built, rats are able to fit through very small spaces. Their bodies are very flexible, so they can bend and twist to get through small areas. The bones in a rat’s skull are not as firmly joined as they are in the skulls of some other animals. This lets them smooth their bodies and squeeze through holes that may seem too small for them.

Size of Rat Hole:

The size of a rat hole depends on what kind of rat it is. The Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) and the roof rat (Rattus rattus) are the two most common types of rats in cities and towns. Most of the time, Norway rats are bigger than roof rats. A Norway rat can fit through a hole that is only half an inch in diameter, while a roof rat can fit through a hole that is only a quarter of an inch in diameter. This means that even the smallest holes in the outside of your home can let these rats in.

Common points of entry:

Rats know how to find weak spots in houses and use them to get inside. Some of the most popular ways rats get in are:

Gaps around Pipes and Wiring:

Rats can easily get into your home through the spaces around the pipes, wires, and utility lines that go into the building.

Rats can easily get in through vents that don’t have screens or have screens that are broken.

Floor Cracks:

Rats can get into your home through small cracks in the floor. Over time, these rats can make the holes bigger so they can get in.

Rats can get through the spaces under doors, especially if there is a small gap.

Rats are known for the holes they make when they chew. If they find a small hole, they might chew it and make it bigger to make a way in.

How to Keep Rats Out:

To stop rat infestations, it’s important to take steps to close off possible entry places. You can take the following steps:

Seal Cracks and Holes:

Check the outside of your home for cracks, holes, and gaps regularly. Rats can’t get in, so seal them with steel wool, caulk, or wire mesh.

Install Vent Screens:

Make sure that all vents have strong screens so that rats can’t get in through them.

Rats can use trees or bushes that hang over your house as bridges to get in. Cut the plants away from the outside of your house.

Rats are drawn to places where there is food and trash. Trash should be kept in containers with tight lids, and pet food and bird seed should be kept in safe containers.

Maintain a Clean Environment:

Clear away trash, clutter, and things that rats could use to build nests on your property on a regular basis to keep them from coming in.

Professional Inspection:

If you think you have rats or don’t know where they might be getting in, you might want to hire a pest control service to do a full inspection.

In the end, rats are very clever when it comes to getting into homes and places. To get rid of rats, you need to know how big their holes are and if they can fit through small spaces. By sealing possible entry spots and keeping things clean, you can greatly reduce the chance of rat infestations and keep these unwelcome guests out of your home.

Rat Control Oshawa, our technicians have the knowledge as well as years of experience in handling rat problems. Whether it is an infestation or an intrusion, our licensed and fully insured teams of technicians handle the problem swiftly and discreetly.