Rats are taking over in Oshawa

Rats are taking over in Oshawa

Due to the shutdowns caused by the covid pandemic most businesses and restaurants have been forced to shut down. And unless all those businesses sterilized every surface in their building for signs of food, they probably now have rats. Rats have taken huge advantage of the situation and its not just business and restaurants that are suffering. They are also coming into your home and they are doing it with much more bravery and disregard. With them, they bring many diseases and some scientists think they are also carrying covid-19.

Got a rat in your house? Contact Rat Control Oshawa in the Greater Toronto.

If rats have infested your home they can cause a great deal of damage with their feces and urine. Damage to walls and insulation and toxic material riddled with viruses and parasites and bacteria flowing through your house like some terrible river Styx will cause you a lot of pain in the long run and is especially dangerous in this time of the pandemic.

You need to take this situation seriously. If you have a rat infestation in your house you need to call the professionals at Pest Control Oshawa, we have all the tools and techniques to get rid of your rat problem and sterilize whatever they leave in your house. Our technicians will perform external and internal inspections to find rat activity both in and outside your house. Because if there are rats inside there are definitely rats outside. The technician will then set large bait stations, tamperproof and waited, filled with commercial rodenticide outside of your home on your property where rat activity is highest. Inside they will set up snap traps to prevent rats from dying in your house and causing severe health issues for you and your family. 

Call Pest Control Oshawa. Now to get an appointment, before it’s too late!
