If you have been seeing wasps on your property the first thing that probably comes to your mind is to look for a nest. You may be lucky and find a solitary wasp nest, they are not aggressive and will leave you alone if you don’t touch them or their nest. But social wasps, the kind that lives in large nests of thousands are very aggressive and will sting if their nest is even approached. They tend to sting in swarms which can result in a visit to the emergency room and even renal failure in some older people. Getting stung by wasps is not a joke, they can cause enormous damage to people and pets, and having them on your property is a danger.
It is best to contact professional Wasp Control Oshawa in the Greater Toronto Area to declare your home ant-free as soon as possible!
Finding the nest is much more difficult than most people realize. Without having the education and experience of a professional exterminator finding the nest could be impossible or worse, you could find it by accident and end up disturbing it and the wasps inside.
Another big danger when dealing with wasp nests is the actual identification of the actual wasp. Wasps look a lot like bees and bees look a lot like wasps. There are some basic methods you can use to tell the difference like a tight waist between the thorax and abdomen, and wings that fold back when at rest, but for most people trying to tell a bee and a wasp apart is very difficult. Its a much better idea to call a professional who can identify the wasp, you don’t want to accidentally get a beehive exterminated, that would be terrible for the already endangered bee population and even worse for your garden.
Trying to deal with an infestation on your own comes with a lot of difficulties. Starting with a lack of real information. The internet is full of people talking about things they do not know. It is important to get your information from a reliable source so you can avoid wives’ tales and old tricks that do not affect the wasp population.
At the end of the day, you will have to call in a professional to kill the nest, remove it, and destroy it. Only then will you truly have peace of mind and the freedom to use your backyard again. Trust Wasp Control for all your wasp extermination needs.